quick visit to Kuwait
My group tour ended in Basra, down in the south of Iraq and tantalisingly close to Kuwait, another country I hadn't yet been to. So I decided that instead of flying out from Basra, I would cross the desert into Kuwait, spend just three days there (enough time to see the place as well as to make use of a decent internet connection and relax a little). A friend was doing the tour with me, and we went together to Kuwait, taking a taxi to the border, the public bus between different border posts, and then another taxi to our hotel in Kuwait City. As I was becoming used to in this part of the world, we were separated at the Kuwait entry point with women sent to a separate room. There a lady took our passports to fill in her register. She clearly neither spoke nor read English, and when she summoned me for the return of my passport I could see that she had painstakingly copied out BRITISH CITIZEN, from the third line of my passport, as my name in her register!! From th...