
Whilst the first half of 2024 has generally been quite cheap (Vietnam and Laos mostly £3-4 a night for hostels), I have a few organised tours booked for the second half and the costs are going to really mount up, so I responded to an advert I saw looking for a volunteer in a Turkish cat sanctuary – seven weeks with no accommodation costs, just food to pay for … with what turns out to be something like 16 cats (many are feral, so they come and go), some with disabilities, in a small home down the bottom of a lane in a nameless village with just one shop that doesn’t even sell any fresh produce. I also felt that it would give me the ‘down time’ I’ve been needing – to reflect on where I’ve been, plan for where I’m going next, and maybe even take time out to read, listen to music and watch videos. Well there has been less time out than I’d expected, not so much because of the time spent putting out bowls, cleaning litter trays (and the house generally) and watering the garden, but because ...