the least visited country in Africa
Trying to minimise my long-distance flights (for both environmental and cost reasons) I had organised back-to-back trips in Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea, although the cost bit didn’t really work as the 45-minute flight from Port Harcourt to Malabo actually cost me more than the Malabo to Mumbai flight I was taking one week later! Equatorial Guinea is apparently the least visited country in Africa, with just 6,000 foreign tourists per year, and to be honest there isn’t that much to attract your typical tourist – I mean the coastline is beautiful, but you wouldn’t go there for a beach holiday! I was again on a tour focused on the traditional cultures, but as with Nigeria it is hard to pin down precise days and times of ceremonies or even meetings, and several of those on the itinerary did not materialise. But we covered a lot of the country – both the island of Bioko where the capital (Malabo) is situated and the mainland, Rio Muni. There were only three of us, with one...